Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A Quantum Leap Year for the Social Sector

Second listing for Quantum Leap in Websters:
2. any sudden and significant change, advance, or increase.

Second listing for Leap Year in Websters:
2. a year containing an extra day or extra month in any calendar.

How lucky, an extra day! How can we stretch & grow beyond status quo?

This is a Quantum Leap Year for the Social Sector. It is marked already with significant innovation and growth in our social sector. The world of charity and philanthropy is an outdated model that is evolving into one of engaged communities, re-purposed resources and alternative financial instruments. No longer is community impact relegated to the nonprofit sector. Today we are all stretching and reaching for new tools and strategies to blend our sector strengths and form effective collaboration to leap forward as a community, country and indeed a civilization.
Never has there been a more exciting time to talk shop. When faced with networks dedicated to thinking through these innovative models like engaged philanthropy, impact investing, social entrepreneurship, Good Capitalists gathering in large numbers, and responsible government funding to nurture effective nonprofit programs.

Friends, part of my personal Quantum Leap Year leads me to announce my departure from Dallas Social Venture Partners, a mission that I have loved for almost five years. I've accepted the position of CEO with the Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation. I am optimistic that North Texas will continue to nurture the social entrepreneurship community an seek social impact alongside economic deevelopment. Together we have launched bigBANG!, the Social Innovation Lunch Series, and spark club. I am beyond proud of these accomplishments and look forward to watching them grow. I will always look for opportunities to reconnect and shine a light on these great social innovations!

Shine on.

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Social aficionado. Insert "social" in front of: entrepreneur, enterprise, innovation, capital, responsibility, you get it! Credentials on Linked in.